Monday, October 14, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday: Food Storage Cookbook Review

There are many sources available for recipes that use food storage items, specifically long-term food storage items.  One of these sources is a recipe booklet:  New Ideas for Cooking with Basic Food Storage.  I've posted about this booklet before like on the post found here; it is also available online in a couple places, here is one such place.  Well today, I am going to share my review on this recipe booklet.

First off, the layout.  The recipes are categorized by the long-term food storage item main ingredient.  Recipes that use wheat are together, recipes that use oats are together, etc.  I like this layout for when I want to use a specific long-term food storage item, as I can easily find a bunch of recipes all together.

The recipes & tips:  Most of the recipes are easy to make and tasty.  They don't require a lot of food items that most people don't have on hand, nor do they require food storage items beyond basics that some/many people may not have like powdered butter, freeze dried foods, or tomato powder.  They do indeed help someone use their food storage items.  Some of the recipes I have shared on this blog come from this recipe booklet.  I've also seen other food storage blogs that have used these recipes.

Overall: If I was to give a score I'd say A+ or 5/5.  It is a very handy recipe booklet to have for those who want to know how to use basic long-term food storage items (sold at a LDS Home Storage Center, aka cannery)--wheat, oats, beans, rice, dry milk, flour, dried apples, etc.  I like that it uses basic ingredients for the recipes.  I've not tried all of the recipes, but those I have tried I liked.

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