Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Taste Test Tuesday: Turkey Jerky

Today's recipe uses a name specific spice mix, but there are other ways to make turkey jerky with other spice mixes and such.  This is simply how I have made and liked it.  So here is the recipe and then will follow pictures from making it.

Be sure to start with the leanest meat possible, I got the 90% lean ground turkey.  After mixing the ground meat with the spice and cure mix, I used a jerky gun to make uniform strips and found it very helpful.  Dehydrate at 160 degrees.  If your dehydrator doesn't show or allow you to control the temperature, I wouldn't use it to dry meats.

After the first hour or 2, I wiped up what moisture and fat I could with paper towel, I found it helpful to simply lay the paper towel over the strips and press a little and let the paper towel absorb the fat.  Some of the time the paper towel did stick a little, and I had to peel it off, but nothing big.  You can see the paper towel absorbs quite a bit.  After absorbing one side this way, I flipped the strips over and then did the same to the other side.  I kept the dehydrator running and pulled out one tray at a time when I did this--that is one nice thing about a side mount fan dehydrator over the top mount or even bottom mount.

Have fun and enjoy!  Home dried jerkies don't last as long if not kept frozen, so be sure to use it up before it goes bad.

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