Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Taste Test Tuesday: Teriyaki Chicken

MMM...  I got this recipe from a wonderful friend of mine, Mika.  She is a wonderful cook, and this recipe proves that!  The picture above I made a little differently than listed:  I made the sauce without the seeds (but I have made it in the past with seeds and it is delicious either way), I froze the marinade sauce with whole chicken breasts, then within a month or so, I threw the frozen chicken with sauce into the crockpot (cloudy so couldn't use the sun oven, but I have done this same procedure using a sun oven and it works great).  After cooking several hours, the chicken was very moist and shreddable.  At that point, I simply combined it with the cooked rice/cracked wheat, without making a separate batch of sauce, I also opted to leave out the veggies this time.  MMM!  Enjoy!

I did cook a mixture of rice and cracked wheat together, you can't tell with the sauce making up for some of the coloring of the cracked wheat.  This time I used about 2 cups of rice with 1/2 to 1 c of sifted cracked wheat, it is just a way of sneaking wheat into a rice meal.  I put them both in the rice cooker together and cook it like normal.  After cracking wheat, I sift it to get out the smaller flour-like particles, using that for bread or something.

Cracked wheat is a great addition to rice dishes if you don't want to replace the rice completely.  Other uses for cracked wheat:  add cooked cracked wheat to cooked ground meat to extend not only the amount but the nutrition, add cooked cracked wheat to salads--lettuce, chicken salad, etc., use as a cereal--top with your favorite sweeteners or mix with yogurt and fruit.  There are really many ways to enjoy the benefits of wheat in delicious ways.

1 comment:

  1. That does sound tasty. I'll have to try that sometime.
